Recurring group tennis lessons

We are happy to announce that after hearing feedback from you we have decided to change the format of our group lessons. 

Starting on August 15th and going forward when you are enrolled in group lessons you will be enrolled recurrently, meaning you won't have to re-enroll every 4 to 5 weeks. 

You will have to let us know more than two weeks before a new session if you want to withdraw so that we can plan group lessons accordingly. 

We believe that as a result of this change you will get a better service as you won't have to worry about enrolling every few weeks, you won't be receiving emails and text messages several times a month, and most importantly, it will help us plan the level and lesson plan for each group of students more thoroughly and to have more consistency and continuity. 

Please make sure to fill the new paperwork and let us know if you have any questions.

This is the process to signing up for recurring group lessons:

  • Step 1: Sign Up for a group lesson like you would usually do

  • Step 2: Get a Docusign from us and fill it out

  • Step 3: Let us know at least two weeks in advance of a new session if you want to withdraw.



New Tennis Director Kristin


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